I’ve been kicking this idea around in my head, and decided to implement it while learning how to canvas in HTML5: simplification of an image by drawing a bunch of lines
Choose a pixel.
Within some range around it, find another pixel with a similar colour.
Draw a semi-transparent line to it, filled with a gradient from one colour to the other.
Repeat a lot.
This creates a bunch of blurring, but usually constrained within objects due to the colour threshold.
It’s almost 2016 but the Windows clipboard still sucks, so I prototyped a program that watches the clipboard for new data, and adds it to an internal stack. A different hotkey (ctrl-`) pops data from the top of the stack, and pastes it.
IN OTHER WORDS: Swapping two fields isn’t unbearably tedious anymore! Your clipboard can have many items in it that you can paste sequentially with the hotkey! Seems to work with any kind of data!